Docker Commands

Docker Commands

Here are some of the most commonly used Docker commands, organized for quick reference:

Image Management

  • docker images: Lists all Docker images available on the host machine.

  • docker build: Builds an image from a Dockerfile.

  • docker rmi: Removes an image from the host machine.

Container Management

  • docker run: Runs a Docker container. Common arguments:

    • -d: Run the container in the background and print the container ID.

    • -p: Port mapping (e.g., -p 8080:80).

Use docker run --help for more options.

  • docker ps: Lists all running containers.

  • docker stop: Stops a running container.

  • docker start: Starts a stopped container.

  • docker rm: Removes a stopped container.

Registry Operations

  • docker pull: Downloads an image from the configured registry.

  • docker push: Uploads an image to the configured registry.

Advanced Commands

  • docker exec: Runs a command inside a running container.

  • docker network: Manages Docker networks (e.g., creating/removing networks, connecting containers to networks).